Reframing the Narrative

How can we get away from using “the clobber passages” when addressing homosexuality and the Bible? This video presentation at Bethel School of Ministry dives into that important question.

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Elizabeth Woning
Irenaeus and the problem of modern dualism

In the second century, Irenaeus of Lyons exhaustively confronted the Gnostic heresy and its rejection of scriptural truth by affirming the unity of the Godhead and its life-giving effect upon humanity. He points to physical communion with a good and benevolent God and, by implication, the goodness of creation as an essential tenet of the Christian faith. This essay from my doctoral research looks briefly at transgenderism and how Irenaeus’ apologetic approach could help Christians better speak to the issue.

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Elizabeth Woning
Following Jesus in our sexuality

Jesus taught authoritatively on the nature of human sexuality according to God, but he also disclosed his own mindset and mentality as he stewarded his life as an unmarried man. How did Jesus posture his own heart in order to live righteously in the face of temptation and what hope does that offer us?

This message looks closely at Jesus’ vision for our sexuality by observing his own.

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Elizabeth Woning
Jesus’ vision for our sexuality

The Church will never have authority against the sexual chaos in our culture until it lives out Jesus’ sexual ethic itself. We can establish a healthy environment by restoring our understanding of family as it applies to protecting one another’s dignity and therefore their sexuality. That is, we must lean into the Great Command and love as Jesus loved.

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Elizabeth Woning
Recommended resources

Every once in a while it’s helpful to publish a short list like this to help people begin to engage this topic. There are many great resources worth nothing, but this will get you started.

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Elizabeth Woning
A response to “gay theology”

LGBT-identifying people today are caught in a perfect storm . Though homosexual behavior is ancient, it has never before been normalized. Why now? I wish to propose that it has everything to do with the tech revolution.

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Elizabeth Woning
Sexual Identity in the Kingdom of God

Our sexuality points to God’s desire for us to be together, creating a richly interwoven tapestry of diverse families that are connected. Because we are created in God’s image, marriage and family presents us with a wonderful representation of God as a relational, intimate, and community-oriented person. Jesus’ teaching demands that our sexuality be used to demonstrate these rich, multi-faceted ideals that protect human dignity and create loving culture. He is redeeming our broken and confused sexuality as He establishes His Kingdom on earth.

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Elizabeth Woning